"The Luv Below" Yoni Egg Set
Yoni in sanskrit literally means sacred temple, and is used to refer to a woman’s vagina.The egg is an amazing tool that helps tone the lower abdomen and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic and urogenital diaphragms, which serve as a floor for all our vital organs. When these muscles are strong they prevent leakage of our vital force and sexual energy and help us to keep it under control.
The Luv Below yoni eggs benefits:
*Increasing perception of your yoni, control over the vaginal muscles,
*Awakening your creative energy, passion and libido,
*Becoming A LOT more orgasmic,
*Gaining control of the perineum and all groups of pelvic floor muscles,
*Giving a lot of pleasure to your man and helping him with ejaculation control,
*Harmonizing your emotions and healing your relationship to intimacy and sexuality,
*Reducing PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort,
*Reducing menopausal symptoms, by increasing vaginal lubrication and balancing estrogen levels,
*Overcoming traumatic experiences of sexual abuse.
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